Our two poor little PUA scammer boys and full-time failures Barry Kirkey and Gunwitch are getting really desperate.
Now that three of the five remaining forum members of Gunwitch's "forum" (specially Nick Cotton) aren't willing to take shit from these two pathetic clowns anymore, Gunwitch is baffled.
He can't ban the last five users because that would mean that Barry Kirkey and Gunwitch would be the only forum members left.
So he decided to protect his and Barry's little fantasy world by silencing common sense:
No Gun, your "forum" is not "for the listeners". They don't need your "help".
Your forum is your pathetic attempt to live in a fantasy world full of admirers and donors.
The dream world of an old alcoholic failure living with his mum.
G5, baby.
Barry really is an idiot. I was a huge fan. I didn't care about him deleting the forums, or pissing off my favorite two guests so much that they wouldn't come on anymore.
I even pledged to his gay little thing. This fucker took the money, DIDN'T give me on demand like he said, and started doing his show, charging $2.50 per episode.
Then, I tried to torrent his show, and only had 1 seed. 1 fucking seed. I bet all of his '1,000 listeners' are just gunwitch trying to redownload cause his mom is poor and buys him shitty internet.
lol, fuck you Barry. I didn't want to pay for your show, but I was willing to help considering how many hours I've probably listened to, but not anymore.
And if Barry is reading this, I'm saying this as a fan since the beginning who overlooked a ton of shit and kept listening and supporting - It takes a real idiot to not realize that in entertainment, your fanbase is all you have - especially if you're trying to make money. You don't say, 'lol, fuck off fans if you don't like it' if you want to keep them
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yeah this is the big idiot that berry did.
when he delete his forums and shit on everyone, it caused a lot of problems for him. lol look at the jen pics scandals. truth is that berry is just not very intelligent so the guy got manipulated. he needed a cunt to tell him that his fanbase is everything and he shouldnt shit on them. he could be making money on the show because he will get more and more listener and more of a name for himself because all the guru cared about berry until he delete his forums.
now hes still shitting on supporters lol
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1. Sign up to puahate
2. Start posting and be normal and cool.
3. Take your fuchen people ripping on you like a man thats what berry needs to take.
4. Apologise for shitting on people who use your forums by delete the forums and shitting on them
5. Make your shows public
6. Make your case for what you did in fact i can see berrys point of view becasue he made this community of haters in my opinions.
7. Delete the shitty rev60 forums
if berry does this he will get back into the community he created and rise to the top once again. we will learn to love berry again. of course he will not do it. puahate is a big part of the community and berry could make more money if he get puahate on his side and talks on that on his podcasts
of course berry will be too thick as a brick to do that
the guy talk shit baout evryone on the show but when they come on the show he kisses their ass. look at sean messenger the stupid fat fuck
That's the problem: both Barry Kirkey and Gunwitch are clowns.
That's why they tried to be pathetic PUA scammers, that's why they would like to be some kind of Howard Stern.
Barry and Gunwitch normal and cool? Not in this life - not even in this old acolholic's fantasy forum where both desperately try to escape reality.
Dont really see how were "desperate" when you guys are the ones gossiping about us. None of you could ever muster up half of the success that me and barry have had in the last few years in your lifetimes. Quit complaining and just sign up for his on demand program. Bunch of babies
I still can't believe that he took Hunter's On Demand away. Every guest that was interesting, porn stars, rehan, dylan avery, etc... Came from Hunter.
Barry doesn't get it, and Gunwitch definitely doesn't get it... people aren't complaining that they have to pay, they're complaining that they're getting treated like shit.
Why would we care that Barry's in mountains of debt? It's not like we forced him to quit his job and become a fat piece of shit who sits around talking to his cat all day.
I foresee barry's coming back lasting 1-2 months max
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Exactly, there are countless podcasts out there for free. Alex jones aload of sports podcasts, erotic shit, funny shit, 95 percent of them all for free, it costs nothing to put up a link and say "buy my products" just because there greedy and need money to pay for advertising and separete sites... to make more money... thats not the fault of there 5 fans who have to pay
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Advice to you:
1) Finish middle school and learn to combine letters into words,
2) Get a spell check.
It's funny how some of you guys still want this loser to do it big, he had his chance and blew it. He shitted on you guys, you guys branched of and now got puahate, and you still wanna take him back after he threw you under the bus?
The fact is Barry's old forum was bigger and more well known then this forum, but Barry couldn't handle the pressure. You guys call Tyler a loser, but compared to Barry Tyler is like Bill Gates while Barry is a junkie on the street trying to get his next fix and using anyone he can for it!